Event underwriting

This document explains how CHP member organisations may apply for underwriting of expenses for planned events. Readership is CHP member organisation officers.


The CHP can underwrite the expenses of planned events by its member organisations. This allows you to organise worthwhile events without fear of losing too much of your organisation's funds should an event prove to be poorly subscribed. We ask that you do plan for success by making a reasonable attempt to cover your costs and to publicise your event comprehensively in advance.

Complete the form below and send it to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk. You can download the PDF here.
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Caradon Heritage Partnership

Application for event expense underwriting

Event date:
Event description:
Please describe the event you are planning to hold, the attendance you expect and how you hope to cover its costs.
Event costs:
Please itemise the major costs associated with your event, rounded to the nearest pound.
Expected income:
Please indicate how much income you expect to make if the event is successful.
Possible shortfall:
How much would you like the CHP to underwrite?


This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2014-08-19. Based on a draft by Derris Watson.

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