+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $Id$ $Change$ $DateTime$ $Author$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAHP Legacy Group discussion meeting Sterts Theatre Wednesday 06-Nov-2013 19:30 ====================================== Present: Jane Uglow Woodland Group * Iain Rowe Phoenix 100 and cornish graves * Peter Jackson Darite Heritage * Pete Nicholas Caradon Archaeology * Peter Crispin Caradon Archaeology Tony Wood Stuart House Trust Lorne Shrubsole Liskeard Council Roger Holmes Liskeard Council, Museum and Cornwall Council Anne Hughes Stara Woods Julie Newman Caradon Writers * Lianne Crocker Caradon Writers and Linkinhorne History * Peter Murnaghan Informal railway observer Robin Paris Observer Jill Saunders Oak Tree Surgery walking group Paul Cummins Oak Tree Surgery walking group * Brigitte Mann Caradon Amateur Geology group * Angus Holland Pensilva History group * David Jean Mines and Mining (CMMG) Dave Warne Mines and Mining (CMMG) * Jack Mann Observer Mick Smith St Neot local history Margaret Smith St Neot local history Jen Bousfield Dormouse group * and North Hill History * Sue Robbins Liskeard History * Hilary Taylor Pensilva Wildlife * Jacqui Oliver Caradon Orchard Group * Glenda Ellis Chair of Sterts Council Apologies: Andy Robinson CHAHP Mike Todd Linkinhorne History and Community Archive Derris Watson Phoenix 100 Anna Monks Museum/ Liskeard History group Tony Piper Phoenix --- The meeting was opened by Iain Rowe. Agenda, Group List and Constitution were circulated on paper. In effect, Iain represents the steering group responsible for setting up the constitution, as agreed at the last meeting. This is to continue some aspects of the CHAHP one of which is to provide a framework to secure funding for heritage projects. The organisation will initially be formed from the groups that were formed under the CHAHP. After that's set up, we will talk to the project partners with a view to continuing their involvement. Minutes ======= Minutes from the last meeting were accepted without comment and there were no matters arising. Review of finances ================== HLF have agreed to fund us to the end of March for parish newsletter advertising. If any needs are identified they will pay until the end of March for things such as room hire. Committee members and Officers ============================== These are representatives from each of the groups. It would be useful if these were consistent over time. Representatives of each of the groups were chosen (marked * above on the attendance list) We will probably meet quarterly. We propose to have a roving chair (see constitution) and tonight's chair was elected to be Iain Rowe. For the other main officers, the following were elected: Secretary Peter Jackson Treasurer Lianne Crocker Equipment Officer Iain Rowe Existing equipment from the project includes display boards, projector and screen. There are various books and paper reports which we will probably lodge with the museum as libraries aren't reliable for maintaining such material. The project also owns some oral history equipment. The CHAHP applications and other intellectual property will, subject to final HLF agreements, be inherited by this group. We also have some photographs which were at Housemans. Mostly slides, some prints. We could make a project to restore these. It was suggested that a "Barclays community account", which is used by the Orchard Group, might be suitable for our organisation. Adoption of Constitution ======================== It was proposed by Jacqui Oliver that the circulated constitution (//LIVE/JACKSON_PN/NOTES/2013/CH/CH_Constitution.HTML#7) be adopted. Seconded by Peter Nicholas. This was agreed by a show of hands with no votes against. Next steps ========== Communicate with other entities about our existence and function. Inform PPG that the organisation has been formed. Formally accept Stara application for membership. Look into public liability insurance. Meet again as a committee on 2013-11-27 at Sterts in order to agree a communication. AOB === Tony Piper has specifically asked for help with insurance. Walking for health was funded by Natural England, now Ramblers Association and Macmillan have now changed rules which are quite restrictive. What they actually need is the freedom to extend the duration and scope of their walks. For that they need appropriate insurance cover. Andy Robinson has looked investigated insurance. Also there is a need for walk leaders for WFH. Dave Redmond could do the training for walk leaders, or use Steve Hopkin. Some people from "Walkers are Welcome" have requested training. Jane suggests that we fund one of the experienced walkers to produce some guidelines/training. Action: Iain, Peter, +1 will organise some training. Iain's main role in the future is community engagement officer for CRO. The PPG is next week and there are plans to make CHAHP final presentations in March and the last Saturday in June 2014. Phoenix 100 may keep the June date going as an annual event. Wednesday 06-Nov-2013 20:54 meeting closed. Updates: 1. PNJ, at the meeting 2. PNJ, 2013-11-26. Updated for clarity. -- End of note