CHP committee, 2013-11-27

Minutes of the CHP committee meeting held at Sterts Theatre on 2013-11-27. Readership is public. This document is derived from the original plain text meeting notes for ease of future reference. The content was approved by the committee on 2014-01-15

Peter Jackson           Darite heritage
Iain Rowe               Caradon Archaeology
Dave Jean               Mines and Miners/Trevithick
Dave Warne              Mines and Miners/Trevithick
Pete Nicholas           Cornwall Archaeological Society
Tony Wood               Stuart House Trust
Anne Hughes             Stara Community Woodland
Julie Newman            Caradon Writers
Barry Hogarth           Caradon Writers
Mike Todd               Linkinhorne History group
Jen Bousfield           North Hill History Group
Jacqui Oliver           Pensilva Wildlife group/Caradon Orchard Group
Sue Robbins             Liskeard History group
Steve Hopkin            Caradon Archaeology
Cheryl manley           Trevithick society/Caradon mines and miners

[This may be an incomplete list]
Calum Beeson
Angus Holland
Derris Watson
Lianne Crocker
Hilary Taylor
Tony Piper

The Chair for this meeting is Iain Rowe (Proposed by Dave Warne and seconded by Peter Nicholas)


Iain explained that the CHAHP had a steering group called the Project Partner Group (PPG) Sara Pym, Alan Groves and Pat paxton were community representatives, together with all the Parish Councils. Project partners are organisations that worked with the CHAHP. These were:
Altarnun History
Best of Bodmin Moor
Bodmin Moor landowners association
Bodmin Moor Commoners association
Cornwall Archaeological Society
Cornwall Council
Cornwall Heritage Trust
English Heritage
Launceston Area Parish Wildlife Group
Liskeard and district Museum
Liskeard Town Council
Liskeard and Callington feeder schools
Liskerrett Centre
Linkinhorne, North Hill, St Neot, St Cleer parish councils
Natural England
Natural England (Golitha)
Pentilly Woodlands
Stara Community Woodlands
Sterts Theatre
Stuart House Trust
St Cleer and district Commoners
St Neot Historians

It was agreed that IR and PNJ would draft a communication to all these parties explaining that the CHP has been formed as a repository for the artefacts from the CHAHP and a communication nexus for ongoing activity by its member groups. The idea is to send the communication out sometime in January after the next CHP.

New member groups

Stara Community Woodland formally applied for membership at the previous CHP meeting. They were unanimously voted in as members.

In general, we'd expect to accept for membership any local organisation with whom the CHAHP has worked. The scope of potential membership is defined in the constitution.

The "Caradon Hill Area" may not be precisely defined, but normally includes the parishes of

   St Cleer
   St Neot
   North Hill
   St Ive

We also tend to work with Altarnun. In general it is best to be vague about the boundaries so that we can work with anyone relevant in the surrounding parishes.

The following organisations were also voted in as members:

   Stuart House Trust

Intellectual property

IR has discussed IP issues with Steve Wood and Jane Gorst. The outcome was that CHP will inherit all the intellectual property associated with the CARADONHILL.ORG.UK web site, including images and the Smartphone applications and associated media.

Cornwall Council will continue to be Copyright holder for the seven years of reports produced by the CHAHP, including the recent Hurlers and Liskeard Castle reports. However these will remain in the public domain and available online.

The web site infrastructure will be funded for another three years, after which the CHP will need to use its own funds to continue supporting it.

The Smartphone applications will be formally launched on 2014-03-08 The web site will be the reference for download of the applications.

Also on 2014-03-08 will be the launch of the Caradon Trail and loans boxes for schools. Local organisations can make displays for viewing in Stuart House that day. The first floor of Stuart House has been booked for that purpose.

Web site

Iain may remove himself from the web site subgroup if anyone else wishes to join it.


Andy Robinson forwarded insurance information to PNJ. LAPWG is covered by Cornwall Wildlife Trust for any event they run. Conservation Volunteers can office insurance cover.

Action: Each member group should respond with what their insurance requirements are by the January meeting. This should include events and insurance of assets. Then we need to nominate a working group to review the options and recommend actions for collective insurance.

Walk leader training

Walking for Health Walk Leaders have been trained. The rest of the discussion is deferred to another meeting.

Any other business

IR volunteered to do a 5-minute talk about CHP at the Bodmin Moor conference taking place at Jamaica Inn on 2014-01-18 (10 - 15)

On Saturday, 2014-07-05 with the Liskeard Carnival There'll be a Phoenix 100 mining event to mark the anniversary of the closure of the Phoenix mine. This will launch new Mining and Geology exhibits in the museum. At the next CHP meeting IR will ask for volunteers to work on this event.

Next meeting

Wednesday 2014-01-15-19:30 at Sterts Theatre. To be chaired by Mike Todd.

The meeting closed at 20:47.


This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2014-03-03. Derived from the original plain text meeting notes for ease of future reference.
  2. PNJ, 2014-03-03. Corrected an error that nobody had spotted. Stara Community Woodland had not been explicitly named as the accepted new organisation.

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