CHP committee, 2014-01-15

Minutes of the CHP committee meeting held at Sterts Theatre on 2014-01-15. Readership is public. This document was approved by the committee meeting on 2014-02-26.

Mike Todd      (MT)     Linkinhorne History and Community Archive
Iain Rowe      (IR)     CRO
J Nickson               Pensilva History
Brigitte Mann           CAGG, Walking for Health
N G Holmes              Liskeard Museum
Lorna Shrubsole         Liskeard Town Council
Cheryl Manley           Trevithick Society
John Manley             Trevithick Society, Caradon Mines and Miners
Steve Hopkin            Caradon Archaeology
Peter Steadman          Monument Watch
Anne Hughes             Stara Community Woodland
Tina Hitchens           CAGG
Sue Robbins             Liskeard History
Jen Bousfield           LAPWG, Dormice, North Hill History
Derris Watson           Cornish Graves, Phoenix 100
Angus Holland           Pensilva History
Lianne Crocker          Caradon Writers
Peter Jackson  (PNJ)    Darite heritage
Tony Piper
Tony Wood
Peter Crispen
Hilary Taylor
Dave and Carol from Caradon Orchard Group

The meeting was chaired by Mike Todd.

A printout of previous meeting notes by PNJ, reformatted to reduce printed page count, was circulated by MT. MT also circulated a draft agenda for this meeting. This is transcribed below, but the meeting decided to change the order, dealing with items 2 and 4 after the less lengthy agenda items.


  1. Minutes of meeting 27 November 2013
  2. Arrangements for Saturday 08 March
    1. Promote Alan's talk on Friday 07 March 2014
    2. Press releases
    3. Who to cut the ribbon?
    4. What time to eat - who to invite
    5. Cycle route (Rotarians)
    6. Liaison with businesses re app downloading, books, cycle hire etc.
    7. Liaison with Town and Parish councils
    8. Plan of events:
      • Schools loan boxes
      • Apps
      • Liskeard Granites (doubtful)
      • Castle Park (doubtful)
      • Village signs
      • Caradon Trail
      • Hurlers Report
      • Rillaton Wall
      • Redgate
      • Moorlands
      • Tokenbury
  3. Invitations to CHP meetings - other groups/individuals
  4. July 5th Events update
  5. Meet the web team
  6. Proposed projects
  7. Group insurance
  8. AOB

Minutes of 2013-11-27

These were accepted with the following comments from the floor.

It was agreed that CHP Minutes can be published on a web site.

Invitations to CHP meetings - other groups and individuals

We welcome people to come to the meetings but only representatives of member organisations are entitled to vote.

We reviewed whether there are other organisations which should be invited. Example: Parish Councils.

Iain mails agendas to them, so they are invited by implication.

CHP is primarily a forum. In the long term it needs to communicate with many bodies and Iain keeps them informed of activity so that they can choose to attend meetings if something of relevance to them is being discussed.

This question may usefully stay on the agenda to ensure we are communicating effectively.

Meet the web team

Members of the web subgroup explained their activities.

The subgroup consists of:

Iain Rowe
Angus Holland
Mike Todd
Alan Groves
Peter Jackson

The intent is to maintain a working group of people who can maintain the CARADONHILL.ORG.UK web site as a central repository for information, notification of current activities and a gateway to online information maintained by member organisations.

The group meets every two months. The site maintainer (Keith Mountifield, 2KS) has been funded by CHAHP to continue to provide technical support for a further 3 years. We are using this resource for him to provide training and to produce more comprehensive documentation about operation of the site.

As part of what's been funded by CHAHP, the site will migrate to a new host platform which is a reseller platform usable by us to set up host sites for member groups if required. The CHP should decide on the financial terms of this offering so that we can maintain it sustainably.

There will be a mail address for the group which can be used for sending requests about the web site or the host platform. This will be announced when it has been set up. Prior to that, please communicate with Iain Rowe (MAIL@IAINROWE.CO.UK) with requests for publication on the site.

A future CHP meeting should decide about charging for the host service once it has been set up.

Proposed projects

These probably won't get a lot of mindshare until after the final CHAHP event in March, so should be on the agenda in April.

Group insurance

Many of the member organisations of CHP carry out activities for which they may need or want insurance cover. Examples are Walk Leadership, use of tools or liability for provision of food.

We would like to set up a group insurance scheme for economy of scale. To do so we need to understand the requirements of the member organisations and the options that have already been researched by Andy Robinson.

The meeting agreed to set up a working group to pursue this. Volunteers for this group were:

Jen Bousfield
Peter Steadman
Action: PNJ to send Andy's documents to PS and JB.

Arrangements for 8th March

There was discussion about what VIPs might attend.

Much of the day's focus will be on the Caradon Trail.

There have been some difficulties associated with the placement of the markers. (The granite markers are world heritage site markers, the wooden posts are the Caradon Trail markers)

Rotarians have organised a sponsored cycle ride for the day. This is in partnership with Chestnut (CHESTNUTAPPEAL.ORG.UK) This is solely managed by the Rotarians, But we need to find someone to cut the ribbon.

There will be some traffic management. The ride is proposed to be 3 distances

Brigitte Mann volunteered to take on the press liaison role for the day's events.

Specific arrangements for CHP to deal with are:

In Stuart House will be room for member groups to exhibit. Iain will also bring the Cornwall Studies exhibit from the Record Office.

Sue Robbins volunteered to contact schoolteachers about participation.

Derris Watson volunteered to liaise with Stuart House, collate information and plan the tables and floor space for display boards.

The 'phone app content will be available on machines at Stuart House. Some of the videos are online at YOUTUBE.COM.

MT will bring the camera stand and an A3 copy printer to exhibition. This is a resource which can be used by any of the member groups by arrangement.

It was agreed that publicity should be built up for the event because it is major and has many facets of interest that can't be effectively communicated all at once.

Brigitte Mann will communicate with media contacts including Radio Cornwall,, Cornish Guardian and Spotlight.

Park for a pound on Saturday should be mentioned in the publicity. Make sure people know that there is more heritage material at the museum too.

Access for organisers is from 09:30.
Public access from 11:00. And cyclists start setting off then.
There won't be many actual events for latecomers to see, So it may be useful to see if Mark Camp will do Moorswater Walk later on Saturday.

Alec Kendal talk

On the previous evening (2014-03-07 - 19:30) Alec Kendall will present an updated talk about the Lost Years of the Liskeard and Caradon Railway. This is likely to have too large an attendance for Stuart House - 90 people attended his last talk in this area.

St Martins Church Hall or the Methodist Hall are possible options. Derris Watson volunteered to investigate the availability of the methodist hall.

Liskeard Carnival Day, 2014-07-05

We want to try and continue doing mine-related activity on that day. Some remaining CHAHP money (about £3000) has been allocated for this purpose. It needs to be specifically allocated before 2014-03-31.

Iain has arranged for the Trevithick society to bring the Puffing Devil. This connects in a way with the end of the Phoenix 100.

Note that the Puffing Devil (which comes from Cambourne) has limited operational hours. The possibility of getting other steam engines running on that day was discussed.

Iain suggested that someone might like to organise a food (Saffron, Pasty) related event for the day.

Dates of next meetings

2014-02-26 and 2014-03-19 at Sterts.
The chair for the meeting on 2014-02-26 will be Anne Hughes.

After these, we will be without funding for meeting places and we'll need to arrange locations.

Iain will circulate a contact list for CHP. Note that this if for information to allow members to contact each other. It is not to be used for group mailing and must not be communicated to third parties.

Please infom Iain if you wish to communicate an alternative mail address or to be excluded from this list.

The meeting closed at 21:40.


This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2014-02-14. Original version.
  2. PNJ, 2014-03-03. Added hyperlinks to previous notes.

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