CHP committee, 2014-04-14

Minutes of the CHP committee meeting held at Sterts Theatre on 2014-04-14. Readership is public. This document was approved at the meeting on 2014-05-15.

Iain Rowe               Caradon Archaeology
Lorna Shrubsole         Liskeard Town Council, "Walkers are Welcome"
Derris Watson           Phoenix 100
Jen Bousfield           LAPWG, Dormice, North Hill History
Peter Jackson           Darite heritage
Steve Hopkin            Caradon Archaeology
Angus Holland           Pensilva History
Robin Paris             Caradon Natural Dyers
Hilary Taylor           Pensilva Wildlife
Anna Monks              Liskeard and District Museum

Sue Robbins
Tina Hitchings
Tony Wood
Mike Todd
Anne Hughes

The meeting was chaired by Steve Hopkin.

Minutes of 2014-03-19

The Minutes were approved. In future, a PDF form of them will be made available for those who have difficulty using the online master.

Finance update

DW reported that we have received two deposits from Alec Kendall giving £588.50 in the current account. However, Alec's contributions are to be spent on projects rather than overheads, so in practise we have only £28.50 to spend on expenses such as room hire.

There was discussion about where to hold committee meetings in future and how to pay for them. Several venues could be used and it was agreed that participants might contribute £1 towards costs.

Frequency of future meetings is variable, depending on events and activities that require consideration.

Property audit

DW raised the question of whether we have a central registry of equipment funded under CHAHP and whether some equipment is specific to its organisation or intended for wider use.

In general, equipment acquired under CHAHP was allocated to specific organisations and it is for them to decide if it may be shared. In practise some sharing is likely to be possible by arrangement.

It is possible that the HLF may wish to monitor the state of some equipment, perhaps on a 1,3,5 year timescale. IT equipment is normally deemed to have a 3-year lifespan and other things like fence posts a 10-year lifespan.

Most CHAHP derived organisations have an Equipment Officer who is responsible for tracking that organisation's material assets. IR is the Equipment Officer for CHP.
Action: IR will mail the member organisations to ask for lists in case there is an enquiry.

The CHP itself has inherited some material from the CHAHP that represents an archive that we need to catalogue. Parts of it might also be digitised for sharing.

Insurance update

JB has insured the Dormouse group through Tennyson Insurance for one year at a cost of £79.50.

Event planning

A Phoenix 100 meeting took place on 2014-04-09. Paper copies of minutes presented here by DW who explained the plans so far.

At this meeting it was formally agreed to have an event with CHP as partners. Cornwall Council has confirmed that there is money available and a mechanism for us to claim it for the event. The intent is to have a small funding reservoir so that claims can be batched. Phoenix 100 is happy to delegate the budget provided the PO and invoicing rules are followed.

Stuart house will do a tableux and displays and write ups about miners lives. Tony is organising that. It is planned to use the Jane room (at a cost of £75/week) for an exhibition to last at least a week.

The museum will have two specific geology exhibits, which are interactive, together with a new mining display.

The intent is to have a week of out of town mining related walks for which we'd like to pay the walk leader's expenses.

The Liskeard Carnival runs during the week and we might try to get the Phoenix 100 events included in some of the publicity for that.

The following weekend will be the Mapping the Sun symposium and the Liskeard Show. Hence the Phoenix 100 events are in the week before the 5th.

There was a lengthy discussion about possible events and activities and it was clear that a lot of detailed planning is necessary, including contingencies for inclement weather.

The question of putting effort into food-related themes was left open for further consideration if appropriate people or businesses want to make something of it.

There was also discussion about the name for the event, which concluded that it should be called the Liskeard Charter Fair, …celebrating Caradon's mining communities.

Web team update

Work is progressing slowly. Alan Groves has renamed all the Youtube video files to make them easier to find and 'phone applications are all available.

Any other business

  1. IR suggested that we should track the unfinished CHAHP projects, such as the Caradon Trail signs and the Liskeard Castle project report. This is important to us as they represent our assets.

    Action: IR to mail a list to PNJ.
    Action: DW to mail "Alan" about the signs at Barras Cross, Tokenbury and Redgate.

    LS asked how the Caradon Trail will be monitored.

Dates of next meetings

2014-05-15-19:30 BST, Liskeard Public Hall Long Room. Please bring £1 to contribute to the hire cost.
The chair for the meeting will be Hilary Taylor.

The meeting closed at 21:28 BST.


This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2014-05-08. Made from notes taken at the meeting.

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