CHP committee, 2015-01-22

Minutes of the CHP committee meeting held at Liskeard on 2015-01-22. Readership is public. This document was approved by the committee meeting on 2015-03-19

Angus Holland           Pensilva History
Peter Jackson           Darite Heritage
Derris Watson           Phoenix 100
Iain Rowe               Caradon Archaeology
Frank Werkmeister       Caradon Orchard Group
Mike Todd               Linkinhorne history and community archive
Hilary Taylor           Pensilva Wildlife
Tina Hitchings          CAGG
Jen Bousfield           Dormouse/North Hill History/Stara Woods
Lorna Shrubsole         Liskeard Town Council
Brian Oldham            Walkers are welcome
Anna Monks              Liskeard and District Museum curator
Steve Hopkin            Caradon Archaeology
Sue Robbins
Rachel Bennet  (Stuart House)
Mark Camp
Jill Saunders  (Oaktree Walking Group)
Lianne Crocker
Brigitte Mann

The meeting was chaired by Angus Holland.

Review of Minutes

Minutes from the last meeting on 2014-11-20 (which was also the AGM) were reviewed and accepted with an amendment under AOB that monies from the Pensilva Horses talk were only partly paid back.

Finance update

There is no change to our financial balance since the last meeting. Room hire for these meetings is funded by donations from attendees.

Property audit

IR's list is complete, except that the whereabouts of some survey equipment is uncertain. It was agreed that DW would write a friendly letter to the Caradon Mines Group requesting information about the equipment and its location.

AM offered the use of museum premises for storing equipment that's not currently in active use. [2015-03-19: Anna has now left the museum, so this offer would need to be discussed with the current curator.]

The COG has a significant mass of equipment which would need special provision for storage and transportation if the group were to close.

DW notified the meeting that Cornwall Council would like to divest themselves of the Heritage Centre at Minions. Perhaps if they were to make the building good, a CIC could be formed to own and maintain it. This is a large topic and should be an agenda item for a future meeting.

It was also mentioned that SUSTRANS have land that they would like to transfer to the community.

Event planning (Charter Fair)

DW has contacted Scoots (A Dance Organisation) for 2015-07-02 and is waiting to hear from Con Brio.

She is still hoping to find a theatre group to perform drama about mining history (on the Thursday evening).

Cornish Wrestling would be at Westbourne.

IR will lead a walk for the FOCS on the previous Saturday.

DW will book the lighting and sound system for use in the main public hall.

BO suggested a 4 mile Craddock Moor walk be organised, though obtaining the necessary permissions may be onerous.

Other suggestions included a talk on the six owners of Lanhydrock House and perhaps the fact that Marie Curie stayed there.

CAGG will be unavailable because the dates clash with another event.

Something about the wildlife on metaliferous mining sites might be considered. Adrian Spalding or Colin French might be approached to do this. JB will follow up.

MT will ask Ian Piper about a Bearah Tor talk.

SH will consider options for a child-focussed event on a late afternoon or a Sunday.

It was agreed that a dog-exclusion policy would apply to walks associated with the Charter Fair event.

The meeting authorised DW to spend of the order of £150 for Charter Fair insurance.

DW will start an event plan based on information about these and other idea which should be mailed to her.

Web update

Nothing to report.

Date of next meeting

2015-03-19 at Liskeard. The chair will be IR.

Any other business

No items for AOB were submitted in advance. However the following items were raised from the floor:


This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2015-03-17. Made from notes taken at the meeting.
  2. PNJ, 2015-03-20. Amended based on comments at the meeting of 2015-03-19.

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