CHP committee, 2015-03-19

Minutes of the CHP committee meeting held at Liskeard on 2015-03-19. Readership is public. This document was approved by the committee at the meeting of 2015-05-21.

Peter Jackson           Darite Heritage
Derris Watson           Phoenix 100
Iain Rowe               Caradon Archaeology
Hilary Taylor           Pensilva Wildlife
Lorna Shrubsole         Liskeard Town Council
Brian Oldham            Walkers are welcome
Glenda Ellis            Sterts Theatre
Rachel Bennet           Stuart House

Steve Hopkin            Caradon Archaeology
Jill Saunders           Oak Tree Walking
Mike Todd               Linkinhorne history and community archive

The meeting was chaired by Iain Rowe.

Review of Minutes

Noted that Anna Monks has now left the Liskeard and District Museum, so any arrangements for storage would be subject to approval of the replacement curator.

Noted that a dog exclusion policy for walks associated with the Charter Fair had been agreed at the last meeting.

The minutes were approved subject to the notes above.

Finance update

As before, there has been no change to our funds.

Property audit

The audit is now complete.

IR commented that the Loan Boxes for schools are not yet finished. Anna Monks plans to finish them and they are currently lodged with her. The high resolution images of the associated paintings are also with Anna.

Web update

Keith Mountifield of 2KS, the company that hosts the web site, has suffered a bout of ill health so there has been a hiatus in activity.

PNJ plans to work with Keith to ensure that we have full control of the host infrastructure.

IR said that ATS Heritage, the company that made the 'phone applications, have agreed to do minor changes to these when required. We hope to participate in such work when it arises as a form of training.

Event planning (Charter Fair)

DW reported that Con Brio are not available so we would like to find a small choir to perform for us during the event.

Scoots have agreed to do dance performances and the Play it Again Theatre Company have agreed to perform drama based on a series of 5 important events in mining history provided by IR.

The idea is to construct a 2-hour performance of short plays, dances and singing to take place in the public hall on 2015-07-02.

There will be a talk by BO on Lanhydrock and by Ian Piper about Bearah Tor. These will be at the Wesleyan Church.

The programme of walks was discussed. The outcome was

Dates and times mentioned are provisional and subject to further planning.

Any other business

Events of interest

Forthcoming events sometimes discussed at these meetings are not normally noted in the minutes.

LS reported that an event in Liskeard associated with Heritage Plinths had gone well and on 2015-03-07, 21 people had walked around the Caradon Trail to celebrate its anniversary.

It was noted that publicity such as newspaper articles about such events could be scanned and IR would forward such items to the HLF as further evidence of the sustained outcome of the CHAHP.

A Community Interest Company

A continuation of the discussion started at the last meeting about the future of the Minions Heritage Centre and management of the land, including parts of old railway routes, currently owned by SUSTRANS.

It appears that Cornwall Council would have a favourable attitude to transferring ownership of the Minions Heritage Centre to a Community Interest Company if one were formed. Such a company would need to make a business plan and apply for funding to carry out necessary works on the building to make it sustainable in the long term. This would include replacing the existing glass roof, adding an extra floor and making the basement fit for use, at least for storage.

It would be possible to apply for funding to include employment of managers to pursue the detailed work of such a project, making it feasible within the constraints of time and skill available from volunteers.

It was agreed that we should invite CHP members to attend a special meeting to discuss a proposal to set up a Community Interest Company in more depth. Organisations will be strongly encouraged to send at least one representative to this meeting or to communicate their views in advance. The proposed meeting date is 2015-04-30 and we will ask Mike Todd if he will chair it.

Date of next meeting

2015-05-21 at Liskeard. The chair will be DW.

The meeting closed at 21:06.


Community interest companies: guidance chapters
Comprehensive information for people who want to form a community interest company (CIC), other stakeholders and those giving professional advice about CICs. From GOV.UK. Downloadable PDF documents.


This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2015-03-20. Made from notes taken at the meeting.

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