CHP committee, 2015-05-21

Minutes of the CHP committee meeting held at Liskeard on 2015-05-21. Readership is public. This document has not yet been approved by the committee. The notes were made by Iain Rowe are transcribed here as the formal record.

The meeting commenced at - 19:30.

Chair: Derris Watson, Apologies: Peter Jackson, Steve Hopkin, Mike Todd. Attendees: Iain Rowe (minutes), Jen Bousfield, Alan Groves, Rachel Bennett, Brian Oldham, Hilary Taylor, Lorna Shrubsole.

Minutes Of last Meeting - approved.

Matters Arising – all on Agenda. Though an overview of Special Meeting given by DW, Brian canvassed his WAW mailing list and the three replies were supportive of what the group are doing towards this aim.

Finance – no change.

Equipment Audit - no change. IR underlined the fact that the Schools Loans boxes being completed by Anna Monks are part of the CHAHP Education Programme and budget, and are thus are not part of the Liskeard & District Museum Programme. The idea was that the LDM were going to ”manage” the boxes on behalf of CHP though this cannot be decided until it is negotiated with the new curator. It may be that the boxes maybe better “managed” by one of the CHP affiliated groups such as Caradon Archaeology as they have the resources to be able to properly support the boxes and promote them to the schools.

Web Update – PJ & IR to visit Keith ASAP. DW offered to involve Cornwall Council if problems regarding to the upfront funds paid to him are encountered.

Event Planning – A List of events was circulated and tweaked slightly. IR & LS thanked DW for all of her hard work in pulling the programme together. DW explained the financial situation and the fact that any funds raised needed to go back into the Phoenix 100 bank account as that is the account for the annual heritage festival. A future meeting will be held in 3 to 4 weeks to tie down the final things and organise some catering for the Thursday night. It was agreed a 6 o’clock opening time would allow parents to browse the CHP Partner Group Stands & buy tea & refreshments before a 7 o’clock start.

AOB – Brian and Jen distributed events leaflets about upcoming events. IR updated people on forthcoming walks

Meeting Closed – 20:40


This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2015-07-08. Transcribed from revised notes circulated by IR on 2015-07-07.
  2. PNJ, 2015-07-09. Minor corrections suggested by IR.

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