CHP committee, 2015-06-18

Minutes of the CHP committee meeting held at Liskeard on 2015-06-18. Readership is public. The notes were made by Iain Rowe are transcribed here as the formal record. This document was approved at the meeting of 2015-09-17.

The meeting commenced at - 19:35.

Chair: Derris Watson

Attendees: Iain Rowe (minutes), Jen Bousfield, Rachel Bennett, Brian Oldham, Hilary Taylor, Mike Todd, Jill Saunders.


Peter Jackson, Steve Hopkin, Anne Hughes, Lorna Shrubsole, Alan Groves, Anna Monks.

Web Update:

Peter Jackson has spoken to Keith and he will travel to Liskeard to meet the team in the late summer, he is currently upgrading the site to the newest version of Joomla. Iain now has access to the site, so please send any updates and dates to him for adding to it.

Event Planning:

Phoenix 100 posters have gone out & Brigitte has sent out press releases — thanks were offered to her from the Chair for doing this.

Ian Piper & Brian Oldham talks in Methodist hall, booked and has a set up ready to go! Derris to put Brian and Mike Todd in touch with caretaker re potential IT issues.

Thursday Event - Play it Again and Scoots Kernow are to provide entertainment in association with Liskeard Hillfort and St. Martins schools. Refreshments will be provided at the start using Derris’s stock and donations from groups.

Donations - will be requested for refreshments and on exit after event.

School Loans Boxes - will be available for public to see & Sue Robbins and Iain Rowe will handle promotion and management of the boxes as Anna is moving to London. Iain asked that Anna be thanked for the work and time she has spent putting them together.

Any Other Business:

Charitable Interest Organisation - Monday 1st June 2015, meeting with Mark Richardson and David Read at Anna's house with Derris, Alan, Peter & Iain. Peter minuted meeting.

A name Caradon Heritage was agreed as was a by-line to be taken to the next CIO meeting to be added to the Model Constitution. Derris suggested a date of Monday 6th July for this, location to be agreed.

Iain updates all on the walks being led by the groups for the Federation of Old Cornwall Societies Summer Festival event being held in Liskeard & Bodmin Moor on the 27th June 2015.

Rachael gave an update on the building work at Stuart House - all going to plan.

Mike Todd reported that the Linkinhorne History Group has been revitialised and now has a 12 month schedule of events booked.

Date of Next Meeting: 2015-09-17 at 19:30 in the Long Room of Liskeard Public Hall.

Next Chair:

Brian Oldham

Meeting Closed:



This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2015-07-08. Transcribed from notes circulated by IR on 2015-07-07.
  2. PNJ, 2015-07-09. Minor corrections suggested by IR.

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