CHP committee, 2016-01-21

Minutes of the CHP committee meeting held at Liskeard on 2016-01-21. Readership is public.

Peter Jackson           Secretary
Steve Hopkin            Caradon Archaeology
Derris Watson           Phoenix 100
Iain Rowe               Caradon Archaeology
Brigitte Mann           Caradon monthly walkers
Tony Piper              Stuart House
Anne Hughes             Stara Woods
Jill Saunders           Oak Tree Walking
Alan Groves             Caradon Heritage
Mike Todd               Linkinhorne history and community archive
Brian Oldham            Walkers are welcome
Hilary Taylor           Pensilva Wildlife
Rachel Bennet           Stuart House
Lorna Shrubsole         Liskeard Town Council
Jen Bousfield           Dormouse/North Hill History/Stara Woods
Hilary Taylor           Pensilva Wildlife

Sue Robbins

The meeting was chaired by Mike Todd.

Review of Minutes

These were accepted without modification.

Finance update

Contributions made after the AGM resulted in an extra £30 which has been paid in to the bank account. The account now contains £1153.50.


IR reported that there has been little change other than the lighting rig is now at the museum.

Web status

IR reported that he has tidied up some of the wording on the site and is more fluent at making updates. He has published information about the schools loan boxes on the site.

IR's time is limited by other major committments. AG offered to assist.

Caradon Heritage

Caradon Heritage is now a registered CIO with five trustees (DW, IR, AP, AG and PNJ).

This means we can now open a bank account and apply for funds to commission a feasibility study to determine whether it will be viable for the CIO to become responsible for the assets of interest.

This will take many months to organise so externally it will be some time before any tangible activity.

Event planning

DW stated that we still want to do some walks and talks at the time of the Lions Carnival (2016-06-26 thru 2016-07-02).

Activity connected with the Man Engine (around 2016-07-26) is more uncertain because we don't have logistical details of its movements. It is thought that it will have a presence in Minions and Liskeard, but the timing and organisation is unclear.

PNJ suggested that there should be a contingency plan for the possibility that the Man Engine fails to arrive where and when expected.

Planning has started for several walks and talks during Carnival Week.

The Phoenix 100 organisation is likely to continue at least until the conclusion of the Caradon Heritage feasibility study. This year's activities will continue an association with the Phoenix 100 name. There may be a transition to using the Caradon Heritage name in the future.

AP mentioned that there will be significant works at St Martin's church to deal with the undermining of its tower by water. This may form the subject of some presentation connected with monuments or mining.

Any other business

JB said that the 3-year LAPWG First Aid qualifications expire soon and wondered if we could collaborate on organising a course.

SH said that his company had suffered some disruption but he could arrange a 2-day course treatable as either a new or a refresher couse.

A significant number of meeting attendees expressed interest in that.

SH said that he would suggest some dates.

Next meetings

2016-03-31 and 2016-05-19 at 19:30. The chair for 2016-03-31 will be BO.

The meeting closed at 21:07.


This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2016-02-15. Transcribed from raw notes.

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