CHP committee, 2016-03-31

Minutes of a Caradon Heritage Partnership committee meeting held at Liskeard on 2016-03-31. Readership is CHP members.

Peter Jackson           Caradon Heritage
Derris Watson           Caradon Heritage
Brian Oldham            Walkers are welcome
Iain Rowe               Caradon Archaeology
Anne Hughes             Stara Woods
Brigitte Mann           Caradon monthly walkers
Alan Groves             Caradon Heritage
Rachel Bennet           Stuart House
Tina Hitchings          CAGG/Liskeard Museum
Peter Murnaghan
Hilary Taylor           Pensilva Wildlife
Tony Piper              Stuart House
Steve Hopkin            Caradon Archaeology
Jill Saunders           Oak Tree Walking

Lorna Shrubsole         Liskeard Town Council
Robin Paris
Jen Bousfield           Dormouse/North Hill History/Stara Woods

The meeting was chaired by BO.

Previous minutes

Accepted a accurate.

SH said that the First aid training has been organised with about 6 people signed up. This is a good number but there is room for more if anyone else wants to join in.

Finance update

DW reported that there is £1161.50 in the bank. The increase being due to an £8.00 profit from the previous meeting.

BO then donated £26.34 from the Caradon Trail anniversary walk.

Equipment update

Caradon Archaeology has acquired some group shelters which can be borrowed by other CHP members taking people outdoors. The package is easily portable and accomodates up to 15 people when deployed.

Web update

IR has been continuing to add articles and modifying the wording of older articles.

PNJ has noticed recent unusual activity in the Joomla registration system.

PNJ and IR are attempting to reach 2KS to discuss the software upgrade.

CHAHP monitoring

This topic arose during discussion.

The long term effects of the CHAHP are monitored by an organisation called Countryscape and they have IR and DW as contacts. The recently sent a questionnaire to which we have given a positive response except that the management agreement for South Caradon may not have been signed. Colin Buck is in contact with them regarding other mine buildings such as those in Marke Valley which are still at risk.

Caradon Heritage

The bank account has been opened and seeded with £1000 transferred from Phoenix 100.

DW had requested data from Cornwall Council regarding capital and running costs for the assets since 2009. What she received was incomplete and not entirely relevant so she is pursuing it further.

A company called PDP Green Consulting, who are structural conservation engineers, have offered to provide a speculative quotation to help us estimate the amount of funding we will need.

IR mentioned that the toilets at Golitha are now being maintained by a company called Inkie's that runs a barbecue van there.

Event planning

IR and TH recently attended an event run by an Arts Council funded organisation called Cornwall 365 who undertake carious marketing projects on behalf of organisations in Cornwall. The have days where tourism providers meet to exchange information and provide details to contribute to a regional map marking sites of interest. The next such day is 2016-05-11 at Sterts Theatre.

TH plans to attend on behalf of the museum and PM agreed to attend and represent the CHP organisations.

Man engine

The current plan is for this to be in Liskeard on 2016-07-26 and then to be in Minions on the same evening. However, there is uncertainty about how the road management in Liskeard will be funded.

IR plans to do a walk at Moorswater on 2016-07-26.

There was further lengthy discussion and DW will amend the timetable and pass it to IR for circulation.

Next meeting

At the Long Room on 2016-05-19 at 19:30 BST.

IR will not be able to attend this meeting.

The chair will be BO.

Meeting closed at 20:07 UTC.


This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2016-03-31. Transcribed from notes made at the meeting.

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