CHP committee, 2017-01-26
Minutes of a Caradon Heritage Partnership committee meeting held at Liskeard on 2017-01-26. Readership is CHP members.
Peter Jackson Secretary Iain Rowe Caradon Archaeology Derris Watson Caradon Heritage Brian Oldham Walkers are welcome Tina Hitchings CAGG Lorna Shrubsole Liskeard Town Council Hilary Taylor Pensilva Wildlife Jen Bousfield Dormouse/LAPWG Rachel Bennet Stuart HouseApologies:
Mike Todd Steve Hopkin
The meeting was chaired by BO.
Previous minutes
Accepted as accurate.Finance updates
DW reported that the CHP has £1601.54 in funds.Since the AGM, BO has sold £147 worth of books and there was £45 remaining from donations given at the AGM after deduction of the room hire cost.
BO reported that Peter Murnaghan is arranging a railway walk through which he will sell more books. He's already sold 2 before the event.
DW said that she has only one box of books left and that it would be worth doing another print run of them.
IR said that he'd like us to consider online publishing in a similar way to how John Manley publishes his material. There is potentially a global audience for this material.
Equipment update
IR reported no significant changes apart from in the Southeast Cornwall Trevithick Society, which has recently changed. The equipment there is now in a different location. IR will write to them to arrange an annual audit and to emphasise that the equipment must stay within the Caradon area and be accessible for the use of other CHP member organisations. This is specialised survey equipment not duplicated elsewhere.Web update
PNJ speculates that some invoices connected with the domain name and host provision for the site are being sent to Cornwall Council who may be automatically paying them. We will observe what happens when the domain name expires on 2017-07-07 and take action if necessary. PNJ will investigate to what extent we can take backups of the site with our current access.KM appears to be very difficult to contact and he no longer owns the company under which he was trading. We do not intend to pursue that any further.
Caradon Heritage update
DW has sent an inquiry form to the HLF for funding of a feasibility study followed by a building project, the latter estimated at approximately £300,000.The assets are in the Caradon Community Network area and there may be approximately £7,500 available from their devolution fund.
DW is not now retiring, but is standing as a candidate for Liskeard East. If she is elected, this will make it easier for her to continue dealing with Cornwall Council.
Mining celebration event
This has happened during Carnival Week in Liskeard under various names for about 7 years.There was considerable discussion about naming and the character of future events. Naming with strong Man Engine associations would set unrealistic expectations and we also want to highlight other aspects of the local environment. For example, a name like "Deep Treasure" would highlight the geological and historical aspects. Suggestions for activity included:
- A cemetary walk with actors rising from the graves to expound their historical roles;
- A "Museum at night" event, with torches;
- A geological walk;
- Something to highlight wildlife corridoors, hedge laying and stone wall maintenance.
DW agreed to coördinate the planning.
Event planning
IR will compile a monthly event list of anything under a broad heritage context, which he will circulate and publish on the web site. Peter Crispin has agreed to help. The suggested submission deadline is the 15th of each month.LS said that there is a national heritage event planned for September 7-10. See HERITAGEOPENDAYS.ORG.UK. We have to register an interest by April. The idea is for people to have access to places which are not normally open to the public.
IR said that he would register an event on the site, which will be editable later to give more specific details. "Liskeard Unlocked", perhaps.
Next meeting
2017-03-16, to be chaired by BO.AOB
An application has been submitted to make a public right of way through Highwood. It has been a permissive path for a long time but BO reports that the owner is not pleased by the application.LS notes that the Liskeard neighborhood plan is open for responses from the public.
LS reports that the Looe Valley Trail feasibility study is still in progress, with more money available for the western end.
The meeting closed at 21:10 UTC.
This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.- PNJ, 2017-02-03. Transcribed from notes made at the meeting.