CHP committee, 2017-06-15

Minutes of a Caradon Heritage Partnership committee meeting held at Liskeard on 2017-06-15. Readership is CHP members.

Peter Jackson           Secretary
Iain Rowe               Caradon Archaeology
Brian Oldham            Liskeard Museum
Derris Watson           Treasurer
Alan Groves             Caradon Heritage
Peter Murnaghan
Jen Bousfield           Dormouse/North Hill History/Stara Woods
Hilary Taylor           Pensilva Wildlife
Steve Hopkin            Caradon Archaeology
Lorna Shrubsole         Walkers are Welcome
Rachel Bennet           Stuart House
Brigitte Mann  Sue Pike Anne Hughes Tina Hitchings Mike Todd

The meeting was chaired by IR.

Previous minutes

Trawled for issues. All covered in the agenda.

Finance updates

DW said that we have £1601.54 in the bank account.

In addition to this, BO handed in £12 from book sales and PM said that he had sold 9 books to the Cornwall Railway Society and handed in £72 plus a donation from him on which it is possible to claim Gift Aid. He handed in the remainder of his stock of books - 8 copies.

DW said that as the monies from book sales are earmarked for project use only, she wanted to discuss whether to use some of it for printing the latest of Alec's books and some reprints of the original book.

In discussion it emerged that the new book is less appropriate for public consumption, especially as the maps to which it makes heavy reference may not be reproduced (GWR maps in the National Archive).

See AOB for mention of further work by ALec Kendall, suggesting that in time we may wish to consider publishing smaller booklets.

The outcome of the discussion was that no further action will be taken on this proposal.

Equipment update

Angus Holland has a projector, which BO will collect. It is said that Angus also has a screen which he is willing to pass on to the CHP.

Caradon Heritage update

A bid to the local devolution fund was successful for the feasibility study and they have contributed £5000.

The expression of interest to the HLF turns out to have been submitted to the wrong fund and will have to be resubmitted.

The World Heritage Site have received communications from Cornwall Council asking what they would like done with the display material if Houseman's Engine House is closed.

Phoenix Festival 2017

There was consideration of changing the date for the event. As the Liskeard Lions are no longer running the event IR suggested aligning it with the Festival of Archaeology (2017-07-15 thru 2017-07-30). This was agreed.

Liskeard Unlocked

The dates are 2017-09-08 and 2017-09-09 (Friday, Saturday).

RB has a list of buildings involved and some negotiations are still in progress.

BO plans to run a walk on 2017-09-07.

The whole event is being managed by a committee in Liskeard.

Other events

DW described the work at the Dissenters Cemetary gates. A HLF is still in progress and the outcome will be known within 7 days.

It is hoped that there will be an open day, run in conjunction with St Cleer school, including a Copper workshop.


No dates have been decided.

There is a Botanical Cornwall walk on 2017-08-19, starting at Tokenbury Corner.

Next meeting

Date in September to be specified by DW to be chaired by BO.


Meeting closed at 19:54 UTC.


This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2017-07-27. Transcribed from notes made at the meeting.
  2. PNJ, 2017-11-23. Minor corrections (sidings name and member afiliations).

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