CHP committee, 2018-03-29

Minutes of a Caradon Heritage Partnership committee meeting held at Liskeard on 2018-03-29. Readership is CHP members.

Peter Jackson           Secretary
Iain Rowe               Caradon Archaeology
Brian Oldham            Walkers are welcome
Derris Watson           Treasurer
Alan Groves             Caradon Heritage
Jill Saunders           Oak Tree walking
Sue Pike                Liskeard Town Council
Jen Bousfield           Dormouse
Hilary Taylor           Pensilva Wildlife
Brigitte Mann
Rosie Hanns             Caradon Archaeology
Peter Murnaghan

The meeting was chaired by BO.

Previous minutes

Accepted as accurate.

Finance updates

DW reported that we have £1609.35 in the bank account, having spent £113.99 on the web host.

Equipment update

IR was not present.

Web update

PNJ reported that he and IR planned to have a requirements discussion prior to meeting a potential provider of an alternative site. using the CARADONHILL.ORG.UK name.

During discussion, it emerges that there were few requirements to maintain the specific site that we have other than as a marker for the HLF to know that the CHAHP descendent organisations are still active.. Forthcoming events might best be documented in the Visit Liskeard calendar and the archive material could be served with static pages that would be cheap to serve. A static would also be archived by ARCHIVE.ORG.

A proposal for this scenario can be discussed in a future meeting.

Caradon Heritage update

Investigation is underway to see if a "Heritage Action Zone" including the facilities at Houseman's Engine House could be established. This would require local government involvement. It is proving difficult to obtain clear information about the "Heritage Action Zone team" in Cornwall Council.

Phoenix Festival 2018

The Festival of Archaeology 2018 has been cancelled. Phoenix 100 had planned to do something in conjunction with this, but does not have the bandwidth to organise something separately.

General Data Protection Regulation

The GDPR comes into force during May 2018 and replaces the previous UK Data Protection Acts. The documentation is easier to work with than the previous laws and requires some action by organisations holding personal data. The legislation is aimed largely at Companies, Public Authorities and organisations conducting scientific research but will affect those organisations maintaining mailing lists and other personal references, including images of people (which counts as "biometric data").

Members of the CHP should review their policies surrounding how they manage personal information and should make sure that their data subjects are aware of those policies. The CHP cannot make a general policy on behalf of its members.

Other event planning

BO read out mail from Peter Murnaghan about the Lock21 project, suggesting that the project might be adopted by the CHP. But the CHP is a forum of organisations and does not itself run projects. An organisation such as Caradon Archaeology might wish to be involved.

Information about other events was circulated.

Next meeting

To be chaired by BO in about 3 months.


Meeting closed at 19:52 UTC.


This document is maintained by the Caradon Heritage Partnership. Comments should be addressed to CHP_secretary at caradon dot org dot uk.
  1. PNJ, 2018-03-19. Transcribed from notes made at the meeting.

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